Some Things You Should Know About Me….


I have been a spiritual seeker all of my life and have always been dedicated to studying the psychological and spiritual realms. My formal professional path began with yoga and meditation in 1997.

Learning and growing every day is a value I hold close. The connections between yoga, mindfulness meditation, Buddhism, and intuition medicine form a foundation of my belief system and teaching style.

Since then, I have studied many modalities in Somatic Counseling and also work with Sacred Plant Medicine. I am licensed minister through the Congregation of Sacred Practices. I have a master certification in Intuition Medicine®(MIM) Every year, I turn inward for an extended Vipassana meditation retreat, usually at Spirit Rock, where I graduated from an 18-month Mindfulness training.

But being grounded in daily life is also a crucial part of my spiritual practice. I spend most of my time going back and fourth between Anderson Valley and Marin County. I live with my husband Brian and our dog Chester. My parents, who live not too far away, were and still are my inspiration for squeezing all the nectar out of life.

Like you, I work on myself every day. I would like to share what I’ve learned with you.